We see before us unprecedented actions to control the spread of the Covid-19 virus. These actions involve social distancing, staying home when possible, and limiting exposure to instances that may spread the virus.

There are many people that are particularly vulnerable to this virus. The elderly and people with chronic illnesses are to use extra caution. The Low XII Chapter (Central Maine) of the Widows Sons is here to assist in any way we can. Be it grocery delivery, wellness checks, or other assistance, we are here.

As Freemasons we took an oath to aid and assist our fellow man and we take that oath very seriously. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please contact one of the officers listed below. We will do our best to accommodate all requests in a timely manner.

Gerald Knight

President: Gerald Knight (Gmaine99@gmail.com)

Vice President: Richard Ramsey (aramsey2@roadrunner.com)

Secretary: Brandon Croan (brandonwcroan@gmail.com)

Treasurer: Ed King (edwking@gmail.com)